Paparelli Podcast
Conversations with entrepreneurs on issues of the day, raising money, and starting and growing your business. This is audio from The Charlie Paparelli Show on YouTube.
Paparelli Podcast
How am I screwing up this company I started?
Charlie Paparelli
Greg Thompson is an entrepreneur who built a specialty commercial insurance brokerage. In this interview, Greg shares his experiences moving from an insurance agent to entrepreneur to general manager to CEO.
For topics:
- How to set yourself up for board positions while building your company.
- How to develop your company even faster through acquisitions.
- How to become a better business owner by joining a CEO small group, like Vistage.
- How to be a leader who practices people are your greatest asset.
Greg shares what worked and what didn’t as he built his company. How one day, he looked in the mirror and asked, “How am I screwing up this company I started?”
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