Paparelli Podcast
Conversations with entrepreneurs on issues of the day, raising money, and starting and growing your business. This is audio from The Charlie Paparelli Show on YouTube.
Paparelli Podcast
If you win the morning, you win the day
This is the promise of a morning routine.
In this conversation with social entrepreneur Karim Abouelnaga, we talk about the importance of a morning routine. He is thoughtful, diligent, and disciplined about his morning routine. He believes these early morning activities are the foundation for his success. He told me it is the reason for his health, peace of mind, and productivity.
I asked Karim to share his morning routine because I had never met anyone so dedicated to it. His morning routine, which is always preceded by eight hours of sleep, is non-negotiable. Nothing interrupts it.
Take the time to listen to Karim as he shares what he learned over the last decade about his morning routine. It will get you thinking about your day too. And who knows where that may take you.