Paparelli Podcast

You (Really) Can Get Past the VC Gatekeeper

Charlie Paparelli

Scott Lopano is the first contact at Tech Square Ventures. TSV is a Southeast-focused venture fund investing in early-stage technology companies. They are looking for opportunities to achieve the returns their limited partners expect. Finding those right investment opportunities takes an experienced VC, and that’s Scott.

Scott sees over one thousand business plans a year for TSV. He told me in this interview that close to sixty percent of the applicants are not VC fundable deals. They are easily eliminated, as they don’t meet the first-cut of criteria for the fund. And if they get through the first filter, there are the next three criteria in the second filter.

In my conversation with Scott you’ll learn what VC’s are looking for in an early-stage investment. And if you get past the initial screen, you’ll then experience the ten-step process of getting to a close of the funding you seek.

Lots to be learned here from Scott whose been doing this for over six years.